Monday, April 29, 2013


It's still National Poetry Month people!  So here's another one for you.  Hope you can read it.

Background is by *artorifreedom 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Song for a Little Bird

In further celebration of National Poetry Month, I present you with a poem.  Or a song.  But I first knew it as a poem.  Anyway, here you go:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Quick Note

I was, for a brief period of time, fairly regular at updating my blog.  I believe this period lasted about two weeks.  In an attempt to get back into gear, I am throwing this little Hello! out into the ether while I compose my next entry - a further examination of nerdom.  With that, I will wish you Happy National Poetry Month and here's a picture of my favorite poem to leave you with.