Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Crossing the Line

So I did a thing. Yep, the ultimate cat-lady thing. I'm telling myself that it's just an outlet for the hundreds of pictures I take of my cat, which is true. But that in itself is pretty cat-lady like. Yes, I've created a facebook fan page for Prufrock, my cat. Thereby insuring that I will never get married. But she's so cute and fluffy! I can't just keep her to myself. She must be shared.

So for the interested, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/prufrockthecat/
And a sample of what you will see there:

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure being a "cat lady" does not make you less marrigable, certainly not blogging, this is the modern world after all, and at least you are better than the insufferable dog people.
